Logo Maistapack Verpackungen

Your MAISTAPACK®. This is in your advice and support box.

MAISTAPACK® is enthusiastic to create your individual and exclusive packaging solution for and with you.
With vast technological and design know-how.

  • Your ready-to-produce packaging or packaging that has been optimized to your needs.
  • Recommendations and assistance with packaging design
  • as well as the selection of the right cardboard manufacturer and execution printer
  • plus advice and assistance for the conversion and optimization of your logistics in relation to the new crate.
  • The right box erecting machine

With the MAISTAPACK®-line-up, you no longer need to rely on an external delivery partner as you can manufacture them yourself. All you need to do is turn on your MAISTAPACK® – line up and put in your measured and printed flat-carton in the MAISTAPACK Insert ® format. Just a moment later, your exactly folded and glued MAISTAPACK® carton is ready and you can put it to use.

NEW: The Triple-folding Tripleedge can also be used as a hand carton for small quantities – simple and quick to assemble while maintaining the same quality.

The journey to your MAISTAPACK® cardboard system